DVD Disc Case and Cover Designs

After creating a couple of DVD Disc Cover designs for a client, I was later asked to design something with a DVD Disc Case on it. Designing the Disc Cover was easy because I've already created a couple but designing something for the Disc Case was very new to me at that time. Fortunately, I was given a sample of how it looks and seeing it helped me in creating the designs for the DVD Disc Case and Cover.

DVD Disc Case and Cover Design for Live It Now
(DVD Disc Case and Cover design for the Live It Now Disc)

The DVD Disc Case and Cover design for the Live It Now Disc (seen above) was the first one I did and it was followed by the DVD Disc Case and Cover design for the Free Audio Download Disc. The client didn't have any specific instructions for the design except maybe for the text on it and logo on the Live It Now Case and Disc. I was free to design the Case and Cover anyway I want.{adinserter Adcode04}

I submitted both designs and, fortunately, the client liked both of them and didn't ask for any revisions or changes at all. I wish all clients are like that because, too many revisions can really drag a project to a crawl. There are even times when the revised design will look totally different like it was a whole new design after being revised numerous times.

DVD Disc Case and Cover Design
(DVD Disc Case and Cover design for the Free Audio Download Disc)

Don't get me wrong, revisions are okay but if there are too many things to revise in a particular design then it would be better, faster and more efficient to simply ask for a new design than to try to fix a design with hundreds of revisions.

Anyway, creating designs for things like these can be interesting. I have no idea how to do them but I still do them regardless. If I need to find out how or need to learn something then there is no better teacher than the World Wide Web.

Aspiring designers can also enhance their skills through art classes online.
Have some design jobs for me to do? If so then, Contact Me NOW!!

FTC Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.
